Reducing water bills is not as easy as with gas and electricity where you can switch to a cheaper provider to reduce water bills further. However, the steps below can help you save by deciding how you’re billed.
There are two ways you can be billed, you can pay a fixed bill depending on your home’s size, meaning your bill will be based on your home’s ‘ratable value’, and will not be dependent on the amount of water used.
The second way is to pay for the water you use through the use of a water meter so the size of your bill reflects your usage. About 40 per cent of homes have a water meter, but water meters usually calculate the sewerage bill too and these costs are higher than everyday water use because of the processing involved in pumping waste water out of your home.
You should first work out if a water meter is financially viable and will reduce water bills. As a rough guide, if the number of people in your house is equal to or higher than the number of bedrooms it could be cheaper on a meter. In London it is free to have a meter installed and you have the right to switch back within a year.
Savings will vary depending on your household’s usage, but an average household could save about £100 or more per year, in some cases.
Thames water website has a handy water meter calculator, asking basic questions about your water usage like how many live in your house, the number of showers or baths taken a week, your dishwasher and washing machine use and what you’re currently paying. It then gives you an estimated cost if you were on a meter. The site also offers tips for how to reduce water bills.
Alternatively, you can ask your water company for a more accurate, although time-consuming, comparison.
Your decision to switch depends of course on the savings. If you’ll reduce water bills by a substantial amount it’s a good idea, though there are a few more facts to consider…
For more information on water saving in the home read our article on leak prevention.
A Homecure plumber can also advise you on the most energy and water efficient boilers for your home.